Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Alphonse Maria Mucha La Dame aux Camelias painting

Alphonse Maria Mucha La Dame aux Camelias paintingAlphonse Maria Mucha JOB paintingAlphonse Maria Mucha Gismonda painting
and captured and put to death by Antony. The duel between Augustus and Antony was short. Antony was totally defeated in the sea battle off Actium, in Greece. He fled to Alexandria and there took his own life-as did Cleopatra, too. Augustus assumed Antony's Eastern conquests as his own and became, as Livia had intended, the sole ruler of the Roman world. Octavia remained true to the interests of Antony's children-not only his son by a former wife, but actually his three children by Cleopatra, a girl and two boys-bringing them up with her own two daughters, one of whom, Antonia the younger, was my mother. This nobility of mind excited general admiration at Rome.
Augustus ruled the world, but Livia ruled Augustus. And I must here explain the remarkable hold that she had over him. It was always a matter of wonder that there

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