Monday, September 29, 2008

Francois Boucher paintings

Francois Boucher paintings
Frank Dicksee paintings
Ford Madox Brown paintings
mouthed politely behind the railings.
‘Cheeroh, chum, we’ll be seeing you’; ‘We shan’t be long now’; ‘Keep smiling till we meet again’, the men called to them.
I was marching with Hooper at, the head of the leading platoon.
‘I say, any idea where we’re off to? ‘
‘Do you think it’s the real thing?’
‘Just a flap?’
‘Everyone’s been saying we’re for it. I don’t know what to think really. Seems so silly somehow, all this drill and training if we never go into action.’ ‘I shouldn’t worry. There’ll be plenty for everyone in time.’
‘Oh, I don’t want much you know. Just enough to say I’ve been in it.’ A train of antiquated coaches was waiting for us at the siding; an R.T.O. was in charge; a fatigue party was loading the last of. the kit-bags from the trucks

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