Monday, August 25, 2008

Daniel Ridgway Knight On the Way to Market painting

Daniel Ridgway Knight On the Way to Market paintingDaniel Ridgway Knight Shepherdess and her Flock paintingDaniel Ridgway Knight Hailing the Ferry painting
suburban quad, with a pool and a color Telerama and all like that; the kiddies started ; Sally Ann had her own wheels to get around with, and only worked when she felt like getting out of the house. She weren't tied down a speck, what with O.B.G.'s daughter to clean house and me helping with every meal. And like, I'm busy, sure, but George, it ain't as bad as the old days, no sirree Bob, when I was up with the chickens and worked till midnight." What was more, he said, they'd agreed to cleave exclusively each to the other, as in the early terms of , with the difference that now they were to be equal partners and faithful companions in every aspect of l, rather than master and mastered.
"It ain't that business is slow, you understand, despite the way taxes have gone up. I spend me a fortune every year around Tower Hall to get the College Senate to lower my taxes and stop buying cheap stuff from across the Pond, but it's no go, sir;

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