Thursday, June 19, 2008

Dante Gabriel Rossetti paintings

Dante Gabriel Rossetti paintings
Daniel Ridgway Knight paintings
will essay, then,” said the knight, “a ballad composed by a Saxon gleeman, whom I knew in Holy Land.”
It speedily appeared that if the knight was not a complete master of the minstrel art, his taste for it had at least been cultivated under the best instructors. Art had taught him to soften the faults of a voice which had little compass, and was naturally rough rather than mellow, and, in short, had done all that culture can do in supplying natural deficiencies. His performance, therefore, might have been termed very respectable by abler judges than the hermit, especially as the knight threw into the notes now a degree of spirit, and now of plaintive enthusiasm, which gave force and energy to the verses which he sung.
The Crusader’s Return.
1.High deeds achieved of knightly fame,From Palestine the champion came;The cross upon his shoulders borne,Battle and blast had dimm’d and torn.Each dint upon his batter’d shieldWas token of a foughten field;And thus, beneath his lady’s bower,He sung, as fell the twilight hour:—

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