Joseph Mallord William Turner Fishermen at SeaJohn Singer Sargent El JaleoFrancois Boucher Leda and the Swan
It was true: the slope was getting easier, and it was even possible to climb slightly, up and away from the edge. And ahead: wasn't that a fold in the wall of the cliff? Could that really be a way out?
Lyra looked into Will's , weight, move, test, hand, foot...Their fingers were raw, their knees and hips were trembling with the effort, their heads ached and rang with exhaustion. They climbed the last few feet up to the foot of the cliff, where a narrow defile led a little way into the shadow.
Lyra watched with aching eyes as Will took the knife and began to search the air, touching, withdrawing, searching, touching again.
"Ah," he said.brilliant, strong eyes and smiled.They clambered on, up and farther up, with every step moving farther from the abyss. And as they climbed, they found the ground firmer, the handholds more secure, the footholds less liable to roll and twist their ankles."We must have climbed a fair way now," Will said. "I could try the knife and see what I find.""Not yet," said the harpy. "Farther to go yet. This is a bad place to open. Better place higher up."They carried on quietly, hand, foot
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Vincent van Gogh Starry Night over the Rhone
Vincent van Gogh Starry Night over the RhoneClaude Monet The Seine At ArgenteuilClaude Monet Sunset
darted to and from in front of them, to prevent them from crowding too close. The ghost children looked up with a passionate longing, and Lyra knew at once why: they thought the dragonflies were daemons; they were wishing with all their much substance as fog, poor things, and Lyra's hands passed through and through them, as did Will's. They crammed forward, light and lifeless, to warm themselves at the flowing blood and the strong-beating hearts of the two travelers, and both Will and Lyra felt a succession of cold, delicate brushing sensations as the ghosts passed through their bodies, warming themselves on the way. The two living children felt that little by little they were becoming dead, too; they hadn't got an infinite amount hearts that they could hold their own daemons again."Oh, they en't daemons," Lyra burst out compassionately; "and if my own daemon was here, you could all stroke him and touch him, I promise...”And she held out her hands to the children. The adult ghosts hung back, listless or fearful, but the children all came thronging forward. They had as
darted to and from in front of them, to prevent them from crowding too close. The ghost children looked up with a passionate longing, and Lyra knew at once why: they thought the dragonflies were daemons; they were wishing with all their much substance as fog, poor things, and Lyra's hands passed through and through them, as did Will's. They crammed forward, light and lifeless, to warm themselves at the flowing blood and the strong-beating hearts of the two travelers, and both Will and Lyra felt a succession of cold, delicate brushing sensations as the ghosts passed through their bodies, warming themselves on the way. The two living children felt that little by little they were becoming dead, too; they hadn't got an infinite amount hearts that they could hold their own daemons again."Oh, they en't daemons," Lyra burst out compassionately; "and if my own daemon was here, you could all stroke him and touch him, I promise...”And she held out her hands to the children. The adult ghosts hung back, listless or fearful, but the children all came thronging forward. They had as
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Jack Vettriano Just Another Day
Jack Vettriano Just Another DayJack Vettriano Jealous HeartJack Vettriano Incident On The Promenade
picked up their rucksacks.
"What are you doing?" said Salmakia.
"Going into another world," said Will, taking out the knife. It felt like being whole again; he hadn't realized how much he loved it.
"But you must wait for Lord Asriel's gyropters," said Tialys, his voice hard.
"We're not going to," said Will. "Asriel."
The window opened onto the world into which he had escaped with Baruch and Balthamos, and where he'd slept safely: the warm endless beach with the fernlike trees behind the dunes. He said:If you come near the knife, I'll kill you. Come through with us if you must, but you can't make us stay here. We're leaving.""You lied!""No," said Lyra, "I lied. Will doesn't lie. You didn't think of that.""But where are you going?"Will didn't answer. He felt forward in the dim air and cut an opening.Salmakia said, "This is a mistake. You should realize that, and listen to us. You haven't thought...”"Yes, we have," said Will, "we've thought hard, and we'll tell you what we've thought tomorrow. You can come where we're going, or you can go back to Lord
picked up their rucksacks.
"What are you doing?" said Salmakia.
"Going into another world," said Will, taking out the knife. It felt like being whole again; he hadn't realized how much he loved it.
"But you must wait for Lord Asriel's gyropters," said Tialys, his voice hard.
"We're not going to," said Will. "Asriel."
The window opened onto the world into which he had escaped with Baruch and Balthamos, and where he'd slept safely: the warm endless beach with the fernlike trees behind the dunes. He said:If you come near the knife, I'll kill you. Come through with us if you must, but you can't make us stay here. We're leaving.""You lied!""No," said Lyra, "I lied. Will doesn't lie. You didn't think of that.""But where are you going?"Will didn't answer. He felt forward in the dim air and cut an opening.Salmakia said, "This is a mistake. You should realize that, and listen to us. You haven't thought...”"Yes, we have," said Will, "we've thought hard, and we'll tell you what we've thought tomorrow. You can come where we're going, or you can go back to Lord
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tamara de Lempicka Andromeda
Tamara de Lempicka AndromedaTamara de Lempicka Adam and EveWassily Kandinsky Squares with Concentric
Then the great snow-white birds set about demolishing everything they could see with brutal, raking blows of their feet and stabbing, smashing, shaking, tearing movements of their beaks. The mulefa around her were murmuring, almost crooning with sorrow.
I help, Mary said. We make again.
But the foul mainly they were powerfully anxious about the seedpod store.
Out of the fifteen pods that had been there, only two were left. The rest had been pushed into the water and lost. But there was a sandbank in the next bend of the river, and Mary thought she could spot a wheel that was caught there; so to the mulefa's surprise and alarm, she took off her clothes, wound a length of cord around her waist, and swam across to it. On the sandbank creatures hadn't finished yet; holding their beautiful wings high, they squatted among the devastation and voided their bowels. The smell drifted up the slope with the breeze; heaps and pools of green-black-brown-white dung lay among the broken beams, the scattered thatch. Then, their clumsy movement on land giving them a swaggering strut, the birds went back to the water and sailed away downstream toward the sea.Only when the last white wing had vanished in the afternoon haze did the mulefa ride down the highway again. They were full of sorrow and anger, but
Then the great snow-white birds set about demolishing everything they could see with brutal, raking blows of their feet and stabbing, smashing, shaking, tearing movements of their beaks. The mulefa around her were murmuring, almost crooning with sorrow.
I help, Mary said. We make again.
But the foul mainly they were powerfully anxious about the seedpod store.
Out of the fifteen pods that had been there, only two were left. The rest had been pushed into the water and lost. But there was a sandbank in the next bend of the river, and Mary thought she could spot a wheel that was caught there; so to the mulefa's surprise and alarm, she took off her clothes, wound a length of cord around her waist, and swam across to it. On the sandbank creatures hadn't finished yet; holding their beautiful wings high, they squatted among the devastation and voided their bowels. The smell drifted up the slope with the breeze; heaps and pools of green-black-brown-white dung lay among the broken beams, the scattered thatch. Then, their clumsy movement on land giving them a swaggering strut, the birds went back to the water and sailed away downstream toward the sea.Only when the last white wing had vanished in the afternoon haze did the mulefa ride down the highway again. They were full of sorrow and anger, but
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Franz Marc fighting forms
Franz Marc fighting formsFranz Marc Fate of the AnimalsFranz Marc fate animals
Serafina Pekkala, the clan queen of the witches of Lake Enara, wept as she flew through the turbid skies of the Arctic. She wept with rage and fear and remorse: rage against the woman Coulter, whom she had sworn to kill; fear of what was in their shaded corners; but what was the sun doing here anyway, at this time of year? The whole of nature was overturned.
It took her most of a day to find the bear-king. She saw him among the rocks off the northern edge of the island, swimming fast after a walrus. It was harder for bears to kill happening to her beloved land; and remorse... She would face the remorse later.Meanwhile, looking down at the melting ice cap, the flooded lowland forests, the swollen sea, she felt heartsick.But she didn't stop to visit her Homeland, or to comfort and encourage her sisters. Instead, she flew north and farther north, into the fogs and gales around Svalbard, the kingdom of Iorek Byrnison, the armored bear.She hardly recognized the main island. The mountains lay bare and black, and only a few hidden valleys facing away from the sun had retained a little snow
Serafina Pekkala, the clan queen of the witches of Lake Enara, wept as she flew through the turbid skies of the Arctic. She wept with rage and fear and remorse: rage against the woman Coulter, whom she had sworn to kill; fear of what was in their shaded corners; but what was the sun doing here anyway, at this time of year? The whole of nature was overturned.
It took her most of a day to find the bear-king. She saw him among the rocks off the northern edge of the island, swimming fast after a walrus. It was harder for bears to kill happening to her beloved land; and remorse... She would face the remorse later.Meanwhile, looking down at the melting ice cap, the flooded lowland forests, the swollen sea, she felt heartsick.But she didn't stop to visit her Homeland, or to comfort and encourage her sisters. Instead, she flew north and farther north, into the fogs and gales around Svalbard, the kingdom of Iorek Byrnison, the armored bear.She hardly recognized the main island. The mountains lay bare and black, and only a few hidden valleys facing away from the sun had retained a little snow
Monday, January 12, 2009
Douglas Hofmann midnight blue
Douglas Hofmann midnight blueJose Royo Tarde en el CampoJose Royo Primavera
March 2006. They lasted barely two months. No one in the neighborhood seems to know anything about his second wife, not even her name.
After his failed marriages, local police say, Tang placed all his hopes on his only child, determined to give him the best of everything. He sold the apartment on Peace and Happiness Street for about $28,000 and began lavishing the proceeds moved into one such room, and Xu, Wang and other community workers tried to help him find a job. "He always made excuses," says Xu. "He needed to eat, but he didn't want to work." Wang says she would phone Tang whenever job recruiters approached her. "He'd say, 'I don't feel well'," she recalls. When a department on Wenjun, now 21. (The son could not be reached for comment.) Wenjun was seen driving a minibus, sometimes as a gypsy cab or a delivery truck. Acquaintances assume Tang bought the vehicle. Police say Tang's money was gone within a year.Tang's once sleepy neighborhood is now festooned with flyblown piles of garbage and construction rubble; tacky pink- or gray-tiled houses have sprung up all around, built by newly wealthy farmers who rent out single rooms to migrant workers. Tang
March 2006. They lasted barely two months. No one in the neighborhood seems to know anything about his second wife, not even her name.
After his failed marriages, local police say, Tang placed all his hopes on his only child, determined to give him the best of everything. He sold the apartment on Peace and Happiness Street for about $28,000 and began lavishing the proceeds moved into one such room, and Xu, Wang and other community workers tried to help him find a job. "He always made excuses," says Xu. "He needed to eat, but he didn't want to work." Wang says she would phone Tang whenever job recruiters approached her. "He'd say, 'I don't feel well'," she recalls. When a department on Wenjun, now 21. (The son could not be reached for comment.) Wenjun was seen driving a minibus, sometimes as a gypsy cab or a delivery truck. Acquaintances assume Tang bought the vehicle. Police say Tang's money was gone within a year.Tang's once sleepy neighborhood is now festooned with flyblown piles of garbage and construction rubble; tacky pink- or gray-tiled houses have sprung up all around, built by newly wealthy farmers who rent out single rooms to migrant workers. Tang
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Caravaggio The Seven Acts of Mercy
Caravaggio The Seven Acts of MercyCaravaggio The Lute PlayerCaravaggio The Inspiration of Saint Matthew
It's amazing how much pleasure you can derive from a single chocolatecoveredcherry. Here's a fantastic technique guaranteed to satisfy hissweet tooth -- and all the rest of them, too.Here's What You Need:One chocolate-covered cherry.Here's How You Do It:Get your man naked. Have him lie on his back.Turn the chocolate-covered cherry upside-down and bite off the flatportion. You should now have a chocolate "wafer" in your mouth, and into his mouth.By now, the chocolate on his nipples should be soft. Using your mouthand tongue, suck and lick it away from each nipple.Finally, turn the chocolate cup over and place it on the head of his penis.Pleasure him orally.Continue until he discovers that really is a bowl of cherries.beholding a chocolate cup filled with juice and a cherry.Bite the wafer into halves and set one half on each of his nipples.Hold the cup above your man's legs and tilt it so that the juice drizzlesonto his inner thighs. Do not let the cherry fall out.Using your mouth and tongue, slowly lick the juice off your man's thighs.He will find this incredibly arousing.Now place the cherry in your mouth. Give your man a deep, long,passionate kiss pushing the cherry
It's amazing how much pleasure you can derive from a single chocolatecoveredcherry. Here's a fantastic technique guaranteed to satisfy hissweet tooth -- and all the rest of them, too.Here's What You Need:One chocolate-covered cherry.Here's How You Do It:Get your man naked. Have him lie on his back.Turn the chocolate-covered cherry upside-down and bite off the flatportion. You should now have a chocolate "wafer" in your mouth, and into his mouth.By now, the chocolate on his nipples should be soft. Using your mouthand tongue, suck and lick it away from each nipple.Finally, turn the chocolate cup over and place it on the head of his penis.Pleasure him orally.Continue until he discovers that really is a bowl of cherries.beholding a chocolate cup filled with juice and a cherry.Bite the wafer into halves and set one half on each of his nipples.Hold the cup above your man's legs and tilt it so that the juice drizzlesonto his inner thighs. Do not let the cherry fall out.Using your mouth and tongue, slowly lick the juice off your man's thighs.He will find this incredibly arousing.Now place the cherry in your mouth. Give your man a deep, long,passionate kiss pushing the cherry
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Andy Warhol Flowers Red 1964
Andy Warhol Flowers Red 1964Andy Warhol Flowers 1970Andy Warhol Flowers 1964
question whether the seriousness of safe sex is lost somewhere amid the laughter.
The Midwest Teen Sex Show "is the worst example of how kids should be taught about sex. There's no education in this at all," said Judy Kuriansky, a clinical psychologist and sex therapist. "I love humor, but this has no definitive, responsible education in a humorous way, but this isn't it," said Kuriansky, who said her advice for sex education would be for parents to sit down and talk to their kids face-to-face. "She has no credibility." Teaching from ExperienceOn the show's Web site, Hasler identifies herself as a "former expert practitioner of teen promiscuity" and does not have any professional experience teaching sex education. responsible or credible advice -- it all leads toward acting out." Kuriansky told that she was most offended by the episode on syphilis, which shows Hasler and her co-stars violently slitting each other's necks at the thought of acquiring the sexually transmitted disease. "Using a blog is a good way to give
question whether the seriousness of safe sex is lost somewhere amid the laughter.
The Midwest Teen Sex Show "is the worst example of how kids should be taught about sex. There's no education in this at all," said Judy Kuriansky, a clinical psychologist and sex therapist. "I love humor, but this has no definitive, responsible education in a humorous way, but this isn't it," said Kuriansky, who said her advice for sex education would be for parents to sit down and talk to their kids face-to-face. "She has no credibility." Teaching from ExperienceOn the show's Web site, Hasler identifies herself as a "former expert practitioner of teen promiscuity" and does not have any professional experience teaching sex education. responsible or credible advice -- it all leads toward acting out." Kuriansky told that she was most offended by the episode on syphilis, which shows Hasler and her co-stars violently slitting each other's necks at the thought of acquiring the sexually transmitted disease. "Using a blog is a good way to give
Monday, January 5, 2009
Jack Vettriano cold Hearts
Jack Vettriano cold HeartsJack Vettriano Cocktails and broken heartsJack Vettriano Cleo and the Boys II
seventy-five uncles and aunts, twelve hundred cousins of both sexes, three hundred and eighty daughters-in-law and twelve thousand great-grandsons!"
No doubt his anger made him exaggerate a little; but Tyltyl listened without protest and said, very politely:
"I beg your pardon, Sir, for the responsibility alone for the grave measures that have become necessary."
"Here they come!" said the Fir-tree, looking over the top of the other Trees. "They are following the Rabbit … I can see the souls of the Horse, the Bull, the Ox, the Cow, the Wolf, the Sheep, the Pig, the Goat, the Ass and the Bear…"
All the Animals now arrived. They walked on their hind-legs and were dressed like disturbing you…. The Cat said that you would tell us where the Blue Bird was." The Oak was too old not to know all there was to know about Men and Animals. He smiled in his beard when he guessed the trap laid by the Cat and he felt very glad at it, for he had long wished to revenge the whole forest for the slavery to which Man had subjected it. "It's for the Fairy Bérylune's little girl, who is very ill," the boy continued. "Enough!" said the Oak, silencing him. "I do not hear the Animals . . Where are they?.... All this concerns them as much as us .... We, the Trees, must not assume
seventy-five uncles and aunts, twelve hundred cousins of both sexes, three hundred and eighty daughters-in-law and twelve thousand great-grandsons!"
No doubt his anger made him exaggerate a little; but Tyltyl listened without protest and said, very politely:
"I beg your pardon, Sir, for the responsibility alone for the grave measures that have become necessary."
"Here they come!" said the Fir-tree, looking over the top of the other Trees. "They are following the Rabbit … I can see the souls of the Horse, the Bull, the Ox, the Cow, the Wolf, the Sheep, the Pig, the Goat, the Ass and the Bear…"
All the Animals now arrived. They walked on their hind-legs and were dressed like disturbing you…. The Cat said that you would tell us where the Blue Bird was." The Oak was too old not to know all there was to know about Men and Animals. He smiled in his beard when he guessed the trap laid by the Cat and he felt very glad at it, for he had long wished to revenge the whole forest for the slavery to which Man had subjected it. "It's for the Fairy Bérylune's little girl, who is very ill," the boy continued. "Enough!" said the Oak, silencing him. "I do not hear the Animals . . Where are they?.... All this concerns them as much as us .... We, the Trees, must not assume
Friday, January 2, 2009
Abrishami Celebration of Life
Abrishami Celebration of LifeAbrishami Boundless ImaginationAbrishami Beyond BordersAbrishami Autumn Eve
Yeah, I thought they said that," agreed Ford. Zaphod stuck a head up for a dangerous moment. "Hey," he said, "I thought you said you didn't want to shoot us!" and ducked again. They waited. After a moment a voice replied, "It isn't easy had any of them published yet, so I better warn you, I'm in a meeeean mood!" Ford's eyes popped halfway out of their sockets. "Who are these guys?" he said. "Dunno," said Zaphod, "I think I preferred it when they were shooting." "So are you going to come quietly," shouted one of the cops again, "or are you going to let us blast you out?" "Which would you prefer?" shouted Ford.being a cop!" "What did he say?" whispered Ford in astonishment. "He said it isn't easy being a cop." "Well surely that's his problem isn't it?" "I'd have thought so." Ford shouted out, "Hey listen! I think we've got enough problems on our own having you shooting at us, so if you could avoid laying your problems on us as well, I think we'd all find it easier to cope!" Another pause, and then the loud hailer again. "Now see here, guy," said the voice on the loud hailer, "you're not dealing with any dumb two-bit trigger-pumping morons with low hairlines, little piggy eyes and no conversation, we're a couple of intelligent caring guys that you'd probably quite like if you met us socially! I don't go around gratuitously shooting people and then bragging about it afterwards in seedy space-rangers bars, like some cops I could mention! I go around shooting people gratuitously and then I agonize about it afterwards for hours to my girlfriend!" "And I write novels!" chimed in the other cop. "Though I haven't
Yeah, I thought they said that," agreed Ford. Zaphod stuck a head up for a dangerous moment. "Hey," he said, "I thought you said you didn't want to shoot us!" and ducked again. They waited. After a moment a voice replied, "It isn't easy had any of them published yet, so I better warn you, I'm in a meeeean mood!" Ford's eyes popped halfway out of their sockets. "Who are these guys?" he said. "Dunno," said Zaphod, "I think I preferred it when they were shooting." "So are you going to come quietly," shouted one of the cops again, "or are you going to let us blast you out?" "Which would you prefer?" shouted Ford.being a cop!" "What did he say?" whispered Ford in astonishment. "He said it isn't easy being a cop." "Well surely that's his problem isn't it?" "I'd have thought so." Ford shouted out, "Hey listen! I think we've got enough problems on our own having you shooting at us, so if you could avoid laying your problems on us as well, I think we'd all find it easier to cope!" Another pause, and then the loud hailer again. "Now see here, guy," said the voice on the loud hailer, "you're not dealing with any dumb two-bit trigger-pumping morons with low hairlines, little piggy eyes and no conversation, we're a couple of intelligent caring guys that you'd probably quite like if you met us socially! I don't go around gratuitously shooting people and then bragging about it afterwards in seedy space-rangers bars, like some cops I could mention! I go around shooting people gratuitously and then I agonize about it afterwards for hours to my girlfriend!" "And I write novels!" chimed in the other cop. "Though I haven't
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